My Order


The My Order page displays all items added to your shopping cart. Your order will be saved each time you visit the Web Site until you checkout and submit it. Until then, you can clear the order, modify it or add more items.

Viewing Your Order

To view your order at any time, click My Order.

Modifying Your Order

To modify your order:

  1. Change the desired item quantity.

  2. Click Update Quantities.

Adding More Items to Your Order

To add more items to your order:

  1. Enter an item code.

  2. Enter the desired quantity.

  3. Click Add.

Using the Keychain Barcode Scanner to Add More Items to Your Order

To use the Keychain Barcode Scanner, you must first enable it. Once enabled, you can use it to add more items to your order:

  1. Click Use Keychain Barcode Scanner at the top of the page.

  2. Add items using the Keychain Barcode Scanner.

Adding a Purchase Order Number

Some accounts may require you to enter a purchase order (P.O.) number when submitting an order. If required, you can add a Purchase Order Number (PO#) to My Order:

  1. Enter the purchase order number in the PO # box.

  2. Click Update.

Adding a Promotion Code

If available, you can add a promotion code to an order. To do so:

  1. Enter the promotion code in the Promotion Code box.

  2. Click Apply.

Note: All items added to the shopping cart after the promotion code is applied will also inherit the promotion code.

Adding Comments

To add comments to My Order:

  1. Enter any order comments or special instructions.

  2. Click Save Comments.

Note: Any comment added to the order will automatically pend the order for manual review.

Saving Entire Order to a Shopping List

To save the entire order to a shopping list:

  1. Click Save Entire Order to a Shopping List.

  2. Select a desired shopping list:

  1. Add items to a new shopping list.

  2. Add items to an existing shopping list.

  3. Select a sharing option.

  4. Click Submit.

Note: Once the contents of the order is added to the assigned shopping list, the order will remain in your shopping cart until is submitted.

Shipping Order to a Different Location

If your account has multiple office locations, you can ship your order to a different location.

Shipping Order to More than One Location

If your account has multiple office locations, you can ship your order to more than one location.

Checking Out

To checkout and place your order, click Checkout.

Express Checkout

To checkout and place your order more quickly, click Express Checkout.

Clearing Your Order

To clear your order:

  1. Click Clear Order.

  2. Click Yes to confirm.

  3. Your entire order will be cleared.

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