Some accounts may require you to enter a purchase order (P.O.) number when submitting an order. This option may be set by a location administrator. If set, a purchase order number is required when submitting orders. An additional option automatically generates the purchase order number for you. However, if not set, no purchase order number is required and the purchase order number field may be left blank when submitting orders.
Note: By default, the purchase order requirement is not set and entering a purchase order is optional.
If the purchase order requirement is not set, you can set it. To do so:
Click My Account.
Click Office Locations under Site Administration in the My Account Menu.
Click View/Modify to the right of the office location.
Click the checkbox "Require Purchase Order numbers for this billing address."
Click the checkbox "Yes" if you want the purchase order number automatically generated or "No" if you do not want the purchase order number automatically generated.
If clicked Yes, enter a Purchase Order Prefix and/or an Initial Sequence.
Click Submit when finished.
The next order submitted will be required to have a purchase order number.
If the purchase order requirement is set, you can remove it. To do so:
Click My Account.
Click Office Locations under Site Administration in the My Account Menu.
Click View/Modify to the right of the office location.
Click the checkbox "Require Purchase Order numbers for this billing address."
Click Submit when finished.
The next order submitted will not be required to have a purchase order number.