The Keychain Barcode Scanner is a portable pocket-sized device that offers you an alternative method to order items on the Web. It scans product bar codes and/or quantities directly from a catalog, product list or shelf label then uploads the scanned items to your Order simply by connecting the device to the computer using a Serial or USB Cable.
To view the Keychain Barcode Scanner Page:
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Keychain Barcode Scanner at the bottom of the My Account menu.
To scan item codes and add products to your order:
Print a list of item barcode labels, if you don't have one. See Also Printing Item Barcode Reports.
Simply point and click to scan the desired item codes and quantities (if necessary). Aim the scanner at the desired barcode from a product list or shelf label. Press and hold the large button on the scanner until you hear the tone and the blinking indicator turns solid green.
Note: The quantity is optional since the default ordering quantity is preset in the My Profile page under Preferences. See Also Update My Profile.
Connect the scanner to the computer using a USB or Serial cable. See Also Keychain Barcode Scanner Setup Instructions.
Enable the scanner. See Also Enabling the Scanner.
Click My Order on the top-right of the page.
Click Upload Scanned Products at the top of the page.
The scanned items are automatically added to your Order.
Review and submit the order.
Note: If an Internet connection is not detected once the scanner is connected, a message "the items will be stored offline temporarily" is displayed. Once the Internet connection is detected, an option to "Load Offline Orders" is displayed. When selected, all items previously stored are uploaded to the Current Order.
To set up the scanner ordering default quantity:
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Keychain Barcode Scanner at the bottom of the My Account menu.
Select either as "Last quantity ordered (if never ordered, a quantity of 1 will be used)" or "Quantity equal to 1."
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Preferences under My Profile in the My Account menu.
Select either as "Last quantity ordered (if never ordered, a quantity of 1 will be used)" or "Quantity equal to 1" under Ordering / Checkout Preferences.
When you order and receive your Keychain Barcode Scanner, you will receive a set of printed item quantity barcodes and printed product labels based on your buying list. If needed, you can print additional copies of these barcode reports.
Note: You need to have Adobe Reader installed to view these files. To download click Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Note: Please see the Printing Barcodes User Guide for printing instructions and tips.
The Item Quantity Barcode Report displays a list of quantity barcodes, which you may use if you need to add multiple quantities of a product you wish to add to your order.
To print item quantity barcodes:
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Keychain Barcode Scanner at the bottom of the My Account menu.
Click Print a List of Item Quantity Barcodes on the bottom of the page.
Click Print.
Close the pop-up window.
To add multiple quantities of the same product:
Scan the product item code.
Scan one or more quantities of the values listed on the report.
Note: Several quantity barcodes may be scanned for a single product. If you choose not to scan a quantity value, the quantity will default to the settings noted within your ordering preferences which will be set to "1" or "the last quantity ordered".
You can print a list of item barcodes from the following:
To delete previously scanned products:
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Keychain Barcode Scanner at the bottom of the My Account menu.
Click Print a List of Item Quantity Barcodes on the bottom of the page.
Click Print.
Close the pop-up window.
Scan the item code to be deleted from the Barcode Labels.
Scan the Delete Barcode from the Item Quantity Barcodes.
Repeat steps 6 to 7, if necessary.
NOTE: Please be aware that pressing the Delete Button for 6 seconds or more before connecting and uploading the products to the Web Site, clears any previously scanned barcodes from the scanner memory. If this occurs, simply rescan the desired products, connect, and upload them to the Web Site.
To view the Scanner Setup Instructions Guide PDF:
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Keychain Barcode Scanner at the bottom of the My Account menu.
Click Setup Instructions.
Keychain Barcode Scanner Setup Instructions
Note: You need to have Adobe Reader installed to view this file. To download click Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To view the PDF file:
Click My Account on the top-right of the page.
Click Keychain Barcode Scanner at the bottom of the My Account menu.
Click User Guide.
Keychain Barcode Scanner User Guide
Note: You need to have Adobe Reader installed to view this file. To download click Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.