In order to view our web site and this online help, a standard internet connections is required.
Note: To view the online movie demos, we strongly recommend a high-speed internet connection such as DSL, Cable, ISDN, T1 or FIOS. If you are not sure what type of internet connection you have, please ask your Internet Service Provider.
We recommend the following internet browsers:
Your internet browser should have the following:
Enable JavaScript — Required to view some features on our web site and on this online help.
Enable ActiveX Controls — Required to view some features on our web site and on this online help.
40-bit Encryption Security or greater
Cookies Enabled — A "cookie" is a small text file that we write to your computer to help us personalize your visit to our Web Site. Many Web Sites use cookies for this purpose.
Set your Screen Resolution to 1024 X 768 pixels for optimum viewing.
In Microsoft Windows:
Right-click on Desktop.
Select Properties.
Click Settings Tab.
Set Resolution to 1024 X 768 or greater.
Click OK.
Please make sure all Pop-up Blockers, if present, are turned off in order to view some of our web site features.
For Internet Explorer Version 6 or later:
In addition to an internet browser, the following software is required:
Adobe Flash Player 9.0 or greater — Required to view the online movie demos.
Adobe Acrobat Reader — Required to view the online documentation.
Keychain Barcode Scanner USB Driver — Required to use the Keychain Barcode Scanner.
Sun Java Runtime Environment — Required to view this online help in Apple Mac Browsers.