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Want to take ordering right to the supplies closet? Did you leave the office computer and realize you forgot to place your supplies order? We have the solution. Launch the Henry Schein Mobile Apps from your smartphone or iPad! Designed with an intuitive user interface, these mobile ordering applications make it both easy and convenient to browse the Henry Schein catalogue and place orders anytime, anywhere! From your smartphone or iPad, you can search for products, view historical purchases, access invoices and A/R account information, and use the barcode scanning feature to scan items directly to your order! A product detail screen provides helpful information such as product image, estimated delivery date, and inventory availability! The app is available to Henry Schein web customers and can be downloaded to iPad, iOS, and Android smartphones. Use your existing Henry Schein web login to go mobile with Henry Schein.
iPhone Download Here:
Android Download Here:
iPad Download Here: