The product details displays more information including:
Item Status (if logged in)
Purchase History (if logged in)
Product Notes (if available)
To view product details, click Product Information.
If available, you can view the Material Safety Data Sheets. To view MSDS:
Click its link.
The MSDS is displayed as a PDF.
Note: You need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view the file.
If available, you can add notes to products and save them for future reference. To add notes:
Enter comments.
Click Save Product Note.
Note: Product Notes will be visible to all users in your organization.
To add the product to your order:
Enter a quantity.
Click Add to Order.
You can hide the product from appearing in Order History. To hide the product, click Hide from Items Purchased.
Note: Please allow 24 hours for the product to be hidden from your history.
To view related products, click Related Products.
If available, you can view different types of related products. To view them, click Variations, Products in the Same Category or Products in the Same SubCategory.
To sort, select the sort type from the Sort by drop-down list. You can sort by:
Last Purchased Date (if logged in)
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Top Sellers (if available) — lists items most sold within the last 3 months.
To display images, click Show Images.
Note: Depending on the amount of items displayed, selecting "Show Images" may increase the page loading time.
To add products to your order:
Scroll-down the list to select the product you wish to order and enter the desired quantity.
Click Add to Order
If multiple pages are displayed, go to the desired page. You need to add products to your order on each page before proceeding to the next.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for all the products you wish to order.
If available, an item's inventory status may be displayed.