Unplaced Orders


Unplaced orders can appear as Unplaced Orders, Other Others, Future/Recurring Orders or Orders Awaiting Approval.

Viewing Unplaced Orders

To view unplaced orders:

  1. Click Supplies.

  2. Click Unplaced Orders in the Supplies Menu.

My Orders

My orders are the orders of the current user that have not yet been submitted for processing and will appear under the section "My Order(s)". Any time that items are added to an order but the order is not submitted, it will appear as an unplaced order. You can modify unplaced orders before submitting them. If you do not require approval before submitting an order, you can submit your unplaced orders for processing. If you do require approval, you can submit your unplaced orders for approval.

Other Orders

Other orders are orders from other users in your account. You can only view these orders.

Orders Awaiting Approval

If your account has users requiring approval. Orders will be submitted for approval. Approvers can modify these orders before approving and submitting them for processing.

Future/Recurring Orders

Future Orders will not be submitted until their processing date. Until this future date arrives, you may modify, change the date or cancel the order. Recurring Orders are automatically submitted based on the frequency selected. You may modify or cancel future automatically submitted orders.

Modifying Unplaced Orders

To modify unplaced orders:

  1. Click Supplies.

  2. Click Unplaced Orders in the Supplies Menu.

  3. If available, click View/Modify to the right of the order.

  4. Click the link at the top of the page to modify shipping, payment and scheduling options.

  1. Make the necessary changes.

  2. Click Submit.

  1. Modify an item quantity and click Update.

  2. To add items:

  1. Enter an item code at the top of the page.

  2. Enter a quantity.

  3. Click Add.

Submitting Unplaced Orders for Processing

To submit unplaced orders for processing:

  1. Click My Order.

  2. Then, click Checkout and follow the Checkout Steps.


  1. Click Supplies.

  2. Click Unplaced Orders in the Supplies Menu.

  3. Click View/Modify to the right of the order.

  4. Click Checkout and follow the Checkout Steps.

Approving Orders Awaiting Approval

If you are an approver, you can approve orders for users requiring approval and submit them for processing.

To approve orders:

  1. Click Supplies.

  2. Click Unplaced Orders in the Supplies Menu.

  3. Select the order awaiting approval by clicking the check box to the right of the order.

  4. Click Approve.

Clearing Unplaced Orders

To clear unplaced orders:

  1. Click Supplies.

  2. Click Unplaced Orders in the Supplies Menu.

  3. If available, click View/Modify to the right of the order.

  4. Click Clear Order.

  5. Click OK to verify.

Cancelling Future/Recurring Orders

To cancel future/recurring orders:

  1. Click Supplies.

  2. Click Unplaced Orders in the Supplies Menu.

  3. If available, click View/Modify to the right of the order.

  4. Click Cancel Order.

  5. Click OK to verify.

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