Order Status

Your Order Status allows you to find any order placed for your current location within the last 24 months from any source including the web site.

Note: After you submit your and receive an email confirmation, please wait 24 hours to check your order on the site. This period of time is necessary to allow our server to perform daily updates. You can track any order that you have not yet received.

Viewing Your Order Status

To view your order status:

  1. Click My Account on the top right of any page.

  2. Click Order Status under Orders in the My Account menu.

Searching and Viewing Your Orders

If you do not see the order you need displayed on the page, you can search for it.

To search for an order:

  1. Select the search category:

Note: You can only search for up to one year of purchase history. The default dates that appear are for the most recent month.

  1. Click Find.

  2. Any orders that match the search criteria you submitted will be listed on this page. To view the order details, click view.

Sorting Orders

The orders can be sorted by Order Number, Order Date, Items, Order Total, or Shipment Status. By default, the orders will be sorted by Order Date.

To sort the orders:

  1. Select Order Reference #, Order Date or Shipment Status from the Sort by drop-down list.

  2. The orders will be sorted by your selection.

Reordering Products

To reorder products from your orders from history:

  1. Select an order and click view.

  2. Select a product and enter a quantity in the Reorder box.

  3. Repeat step 2 for all the products you wish to reorder.

  4. Then, click Add to Order.

Tracking an Order

To track an order that you have not yet received:

  1. Select an order and click view.

  2. Click Track.

  3. The order status will be displayed.

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