Item Code


If you already know the item codes of supplies, you can quickly order them using the Item Code feature. This feature is conveniently located on the home page, within the menu in the Supplies tab and on top of the My Order page for easy access.

Ordering Supplies

To quickly order supplies:

  1. Enter the desired item code.

  2. Enter the item quantity.

  3. Press the Enter key or click the Add button to add the product to your order.

  4. There will be a short delay as we look up the item code in our product catalog. The page will then refresh itself with your My Order page containing the product you have successfully added to your order.

  5. For additional items, enter the item codes followed by the Enter key or click the Add button.

Enter More — Quick Order Items

If you wish to enter item codes and quantities for up to twenty products at the same time, then you can use the Enter More feature. This feature is included in the Item Code feature and is located below the Item Code field.

To use the Enter More feature:

  1. Click Enter More.

  2. Enter up to twenty item codes and quantities.

  3. Click Add to Order.

  4. There will be a short delay as we look up each item code in our product catalog. The page will then refresh itself with your My Order page containing all the products you have successfully added to your order.

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